Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ello all!

Not much to rant about this time... its been quite dull. So I'm just going to write what ever i manage to salvage from my tea-stoned mind. I might jump from topic to topic quite a bit...

...If you don't like that, well go suck a lemon.


Had science trials today....you know what? i really hate badly worded questions....freaking unclear on what they actually want us to answer... exams are over though, which is a relief...well for two weeks anyway.

hmmm though I've noticed something quite strange about today: Everything seems to be happening on the 25th... moon festival (and its incredibly addictive moon cakes...DAMN WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE!?!?!) ....release of halo 3....sci trial...crazy stuff...(not really... see how dull life can get?)

Well at least the moon festival means that Kung Fu is off for 2nite. Good. It will give me a chance to catch up on some much needed gaming. Neverwinter Nights 2 has just been staring me in the face as of late...

oh I've decided to break up my 'martial arts movie' project thing into smaller parts. The whole make a storyline thing etc is just a bit 2much and i really cbb. so the movie will technically be just a bunch of random clips thrown together....possibly a lightsaber fight somewhere.

Yup well that is pretty much it.

Have a good evening/Moonfestival.

oh and i leave you with this amusing pic (photoshopped by lemur):

Friday, September 7, 2007

Ello all!

Well I must say, what a dull, dreary, uneventful week it has been. The weather was a bitch. Fencing ended, so sport was a bitch. Cant find any info for that damned commerce assignment, so school was a bitch....yup overall there is quite enough bitchiness to go around for everyone.

On a less....bitchy(..gee am i fond of that word) note, APEC is here! which means an extra day of rest for me. On top of that, my math tutor is invited to some celebration down in Melbourne, also which means an extra day of rest for me. All in all, I'm going to do quite allot of resting up in the next few days.

But now I'm deviating from my supposed rant a bit too much.

This week's topic: Xingisms. (Again, xing has popped up again, see? i told you he would).

In this world, beauty is abundant. Nature's radiance can be found in the sky on a sunny day, with white fluffy clouds leisurely wafting around in the deepest blue, or in glistening dew on countless blades of vibrant green grass.

However, the world has its share of hideousness as well. The epitome of such abhorrency presents itself not in some distant realm, with a malevolent god plotting the enslavement of the entire human race. Oh no not quite so. This terror, believe it or not, resides in your very own homes. In your computers in fact.

What I'm talking about is msn names. What is wrong with them you may ask? well there is nothing inherently wrong about certain msn names, but rather those who write them: their complete failure to grasp the concept of aesthetics.

Most of us, must endure with gritted teeth and grimness every time we log on. But for those who are fortunate enough to, so far, avoid this scourge of mankind, your luck has run out!!

Here are some examples to start off:

"We humans are nothing more then creatures that are controlled by our own desires and greed only to be given hope..."

"a circle has no beginnings nor an end"

" Hiding sadness with a smile"

"i dunno what i feel anymore.."

"i want to believe.....lost in life"

And so on....Has your brain imploded upon itself in an attempt to stop the torrent of evil msn names?? if not, here have one more:

" If good is bad and bad is good, then black is white"

OK, most of you should be writhing in utter agony about now.


Named after Xing of course, who has the most irritating habit of speaking with an utter lack of coherency. ....his eloquence is just absolutely astounding.

A xingism, is usually a statement of some sort that either attempts to be profound, elegant, wonderfully articulated or intelligently analyze the nature of humanity. But it ends up being lame, corny, illogical and (depending on its degree) carcinogenic. Generally 100% evilness.

But what causes a xingism? do all xingisms share certain traits? characteristics? The answer is yes.

I have in fact developed a scale for measuring the evilness of a xingism. and for example, i will use:

" If good is bad and bad is good, then black is white" (And if you were wondering, yes xing did say that).

The Xingism Quotient(XQ):

Illogical: 5

Incoherence: 4

Attempt at being profound: 4

Emo-ness: 5

Love etc: 5

Japanese (look, I'm not racist...ahem... its just that some people think its cool to put random Japanese into a sentence): 6

Other(Anything that just doesn't seem right): Measured by the amount of seizures it induces(e.g. one seizure, one point)

right so lets deconstruct the xingism shall we?

" If good is bad and bad is good, then black is white"

'Good is bad': illogical thus 5.
'Bad is good': ditto, 5.
'Black is white': first of all it is illogical, so 5 and the conclusion of black is white from 'good is bad' etc is incoherent. hence another 4 is added, ie a total of 9.
Oh and after 3 people saw it, they seized so...3.
Overall, it was an attempt of being profound thus we will add another 4.

And so the total score is:26. now we divide the score by the number of words....12...so 26/12 = A WHOPPING 2.2!!!!!

(oh if you guys have any suggestions on improvements to the XQ process, don't hesitate to tell me!)

So let us work together, analyse our msn names, reduce the XQ and head for a better world! free of stupid incoherency!