Saturday, August 25, 2007

Impending Doom

Ello all!

Ah winter time! Sitting by the fireplace, soaking up the warmth, listening to crackling wood, while holding a steaming hot cup of coco in your hands, in perfect contentment. Not.

I hate winter. Worst season of them all. One day its freezing cold and the next day we are inundated with torrential rain. The day after that, its freezing cold AND my backyard turns into a freaking wetland. Nice.

That's not the worst of it though. All the other seasons are kind to me... well not really, lets just say kinder. The summer heat isn't bad, great time to run and dance and frolic and eat puppies. In spring, everything is fresh, new, lush and green. Perfect weather for eating outdoors...mmmm puppy fillet mignon. Well...i think you can already guess what I'm going to say for autumn...

BUT NO PUPPY EATING FOR WINTER! Oh no, no sweet bone-snapping goodness then. Winter is the season of DEATH....or more accurately, the season of getting so sick that you end up bed ridden for days.

Especially this year.

'But Peter! You get sick because you don't keep warm!' You might chide, shaking your head.

Well i suppose you are right. But can it really be my fault? Australia is a free country! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CANT A MAN RUN BUTT-NAKED IN FREEZING RAIN AND NOT GET A COLD!!??!?

No I'm not serious of course, its partially because i do my forms in freezing cold weather at martial arts.

But mainly, its because of an excruciatingly irritating mortal who goes by the name of Xingy(for those who don't know this creature, DONT PANIC! I'm sure he will pop up somewhere in my future rants). Yes, he has this tendency to cough in my general vicinity, now and then....every second or two...bloody bastard.

And so the expected happens. I get sick. Really sick. Fever hits forty degrees and beyond. And, so i get dragged to my doctor who tells me i have the flu. I guessed as much. And so i head home to rest and groan and moan and feel sorry for myself. Strange enough...FEVER GETS BLOODY WORSE...and delirium kicks in. Have you ever noticed how amusing a bar of soap is when your delirious?

I get dragged back to the doctor. Who looks at me, shivering and borderline seizing, and says 'Oh looks like you have caught another flu'. Wow...ok so i have flu^2 now...

And i go home for the second time...and Mr.Flu gives me a kick in the crotch. Back to the doctor.

He takes one look at me, "Oh dear, this is bad".
I'm rushed off to get X-rayed. Yay.
He takes one look at the X-rays, "Oh dear, your lung tissue has lesions and there is some calcification."
His report: Possible tuberculosis & early emphysema.
Nice. I'm going to die.
Pete is rushed to hospital.
Specialist takes one look at report, shifts his attention to me and then, to the x-rays. He smirks.
"This report is absolute nonsense. Your lungs are fine. That lesion there [points to white area on x-ray] is your heart."

oh that's really nice...I'm not going to die after all. Meh.

Bloody incompetent GP....


Rogiraffe said...

LMAO nice err puppy eating there mate... the meat must be tasty huh o.o why must you kill cute little things for breakfast lunch and tea?!

ANYWAY u should hung gar ur GP to the floor n half-crush his throat for his stupidity!



Anonymous said...

Why no, i do not know how amusing a bar of soap could be when your delirious. But thanks, the next time i get delirious i'll try to keep that in mind.